Coworking Space
My coworking space, Liberty, is my second project for the fall of 2023. This semester, I decided my focus would be on autonomy. Similar to my other project this semester, the objective of my design is to provide the opportunity of choice, so the user can decide the type of experience they would like to have. This freedom allows countless benefits which are more specifically listed below.
Autonomy Research
The variety and independence autonomy provides is imperative for the success of co-working spaces.
“People who can engage in autonomous behavior are more likely to perform well at work, achieve their goals, and feel happier in general.”
“Results from a summary of 319 studies and 141,134 participants indicate that, overall, job autonomy led to better job performance, mainly by enhancing work motivation but also by reducing mental strain.”
1) Increase in job satisfaction
2) Creates employee engagement and motivation
3) Improves employee retention
4) Encourages creativity and innovation
5) Boosts productivity
6) Develops leadership qualities in employees
Floor Plan
This project required a specific amount of office spaces to include in the floor plan. These parameters caused my initial floor plan to be extremely cramped with very narrow hallways. For the sake of autonomy, I decided to forgo several of the required spaces. That way, I could keep the hallways open and create a variety of workspaces outside of the formal office space requirements. The user can decide if they would like to work in a formal or casual setting. The circled spaces are seating areas that encourage autonomy.
Locker Room Materials
Locker Room
This project required a wellness space. I chose to do a men's and women’s locker room. This space includes gender-specific showers, a vanity station, a sauna and a steam room, lockers, and a drink station. The benefits of these features help maximize employee performance. Saunas and steam rooms help fight chronic fatigue, improve mood, reduce depression, and improve sleep. After a potentially long and stressful work day, the user can retreat to this locker room to decompress and recover.
Corridor Materials
Cafe Materials
Game Room
Outdoor Patio Materials
Guthridge, Liz. “Council Post: Why Autonomy Matters and How You Can Use It to Your Advantage.” Forbes, Forbes Magazine, 21 June 2021,
How Does Job Autonomy Influence Job Performance ... - Academy of Management, Accessed 12 Dec. 2023.
Johannsen, Rebecca, and Paul J. Zak. “Autonomy Raises Productivity: An Experiment Measuring Neurophysiology.” Frontiers, Frontiers, 19 Apr. 2020,
Kendra Cherry, MSEd. “What Autonomy Means in Psychology.” Verywell Mind, Verywell Mind, 24 May 2023,
Psychreg. “What Are the Mental Health Benefits of Saunas.” Psychreg, 2 Dec. 2023,